Wednesday, April 30, 2014

InSinkErator President on U.S. manufacturing benefits

InSinkErator President on U.S. manufacturing benefits

Monday, April 28, 2014

Spread Your Social Wing

So you have a social media campaign–perfect! It’s something all business owners should have. Now, when was the last time you updated it? Your campaign should be refreshed yearly, at the very least, and you should stay engaged with your sites throughout the year. Social media is not static–it needs to be massaged, manipulated and turned into new, varied and amazing things.
Here are some things to consider as you breathe new life into your online presence. First, don’t put all of your social eggs in one basket. There are a lot of places to engage socially, so mix it up. Most business owners are used to Facebook, but it might be time to move beyond your comfort zone. And be on the lookout, Facebook changes their algorithm and rules from time to time, so make sure you’re up to date with the latest to see how it will impact your business page.
The other major players in the social game are, of course, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Google+. And if you don’t think much is happening on Google+, think again. Staying active on Google+ can improve your SEO, and your ranking if you invest in Google’s Authorship by adding good content. Content and social media work hand-in-hand. The best way to get your content shared is to implement a strong campaign on social. So, grab a thesaurus, a comfy seat, and get writing! Once you’ve got a bounty of content, connect it to your Google+ account. Next thing you know you might just become the leading expert in whatever it is you’re telling the world about, and you’ll be Google-famous for being a thought-leader in your area.
If writing’s not your thing, you can also sing, scream, preach or just eloquently share with the world all about you and your business with a YouTube channel. Customers tend to be more engaged on YouTube than they do on other platforms–they get billions and billions of views monthly. Roughly 35 million of those are people looking for “how to” videos. If you know how to do something–and clearly you do–share it. And while no one is expecting a Scorsese production, use a tripod, make sure your audio is crisp, and that you’re easy to understand–no jargon, keep it simple.
Whatever your social plan is, remember to diversify where you’re posting–customers are everywhere so it’s good to stretch your boundaries. Use strong imagery–it’s more likely to get noticed and shared/pinned. And most of all, stick with it. Don’t post once and never return; the more engaged you are on social media platforms, the better the ROI.

By Manta Media Inc.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Protect your patent

Patent trolls are those non-practicing entities, or NPEs, that lurk under bridges and buy up other peoples' ideas to make millions off of someone else's big idea. Well, looks like the trolls may have harassed the last bunch of goats - right now there's a bill to make buying up patents for the mere purpose of extracting licensing fees illegal. It's been passed by the House, and now it's time for the Senate to vote. If you want to protect your businesses, your part of the pie, or if you just hate patent trolls, consider reaching out to the government to have your voice heard. Manta Media Inc.