Wednesday, February 27, 2013

When The Unexpected Happens

On May 1st, 2010 the rains began to pour over the country music capital of the world, Nashville Tennessee. Within a 36-hour period more than 13 inches of rain had fallen and the creeks and rivers were flowing into the streets and business’s creating billions of dollars in damage. It took several days for the waters to recede before anyone could assess the damage. TEAMSESCO was contacted that week by one of our distributors. A wire drawing facility along the Cumberland River had been submerged and they asked if we could handle rebuilding all of the drives in the facility. TEAMSESCO accepted the challenge!

The customer loaded an eighteen wheeler full of drives and circuit boards and headed to our Greensboro NC service center. The truck arrived on the 14th and by that afternoon, forty-six AC and DC drives were inventoried and quoted to the distributor. Approval was given on the 18th with the first shipment due on the 21st. TEAMSESCO began dismantling and cleaning the mud and debris out of the drives. Each drive was cleaned, components replaced, re-assembled, powered up and load tested using our closed loop hydraulic loading system – putting the drive under full load conditions. The first shipment left our facility a full day ahead of schedule with more than the requested number of units on it. Through phone support and on-site visits, TEAMSESCO field service and repair technicians supported the customer throughout the startup process helping them meet their deadline to get the plant up and running. TEAMSESCO kept true on its promise and delivered early.

So when the creeks are rising and you’re in need of quality industrial electronic repairs, regardless of stringent deadlines or a truck full of opportunities, TEAMSESCO can handle the challenge!


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